The living Jiva


alias C. Ilyas Eker is a Consultant for Enlightenment Psychology, a Lecturer of Enlightenment Science (Jnana Acharya), an Initiator/Motivational Speaker, a compassionate Trainer of Cognitive Advancement & conscious Sovereignty, an Author, a Blogger, a Designer etc.

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to go a different way than the society for its part has forced upon me. I felt already since that time that I was endowed with something that was withheld from the majority, even inaccessible through the way the majority goes, namely to follow an inner call that gave me the feeling of seeking that far more is possible than the majority is able to believe in their binary thinking. So, since childhood, I also knew that it would not be an easy path to swim against an artificial current that provided countless ways and means of challenges for me.
During my school years, because of my inner call that I followed and took risks to be exposed to the resistances of this society, to be inwardly free from these constraints of society, I could not comprehend, or be convinced that a conventional, prefabricated path of a mediocre school system could qualify me to be successful, instead, to follow a path that I would follow anyway, a path to live out my individuality and to bring out in myself what makes me unique, what calls out in me to fulfill my higher purpose of existence, to awaken something that is already predisposed in me, namely the potential of cognition, in this sense, consciousness, that my subjective perception changes the behavior and the effects of objective perception.


In other words, to learn that we generate our experience not on the basis of objective effects, but on the basis of subjective perception. I deepened in dealing with causal chains of the impact of cognitions that are outside the subjective perception of the majority of this society, which has developed my understanding and experience after all these years of this contemplation to the point of being able to not only look at the events and mechanisms of this humanity from the outside neutrally, but also to recognize & identify the actual causes of these human behaviors as the subjective experience. The objective reality appears on the level of the identification with matter as constant, empty and without meaning, however, this is not the actual basis of our experience. As long as this collective consciousness of this majority, emotionally dependent on matter, confuses their subjective experience with objective reality as the cause of their experience, this consciousness is at the mercy of the effects of external phenomena and forced by consciousness to believe that their influence and possibilities in this plane are limited and understand this plane as the basis of their actions, which only become reactionary.

They continuously go through an experience which is exposed and subjected to the external influences and bound to the lawfulness of this logic. These people are trapped in a bubble of preconceived and limited possibilities, from which, as long as they follow the cognitive path of majority and mediocrity, they do not realize that our subjective experience in relation to the objective experience, produces different and new facts and has enormously expanded the view of possibilities. The majority of science unfortunately still believes that mankind can only rely purely on the objective experience, because they assume that only the things that are measurable and insofar repeated, can be defined as a fact. This majority has not yet concluded that if the subjective experience about the subject can be changed, the subjective experience about the object changes, just as the subjective experience about the objective itself changes. They have not yet understood that their subjective experience about the object about which they measure and form facts is also only a subjective experience, in relation to an object. They do not see that from their so-called objective experience always precedes the subjective experience. The longer one observes this way, outside the norm, the majority, the reality of all outside this limited bubble, the more grows in one the conviction that each person not only forms his own opinion and experiences the limited factual world differently, but the existential truth is in reality a completely different one. It is a mistake to claim that everyone receives the same experience from the objective point of view, when before that the subjective observation always projects itself onto the object. The subjective world is superior to the objective world. How can I claim this? If the purely objective world cannot take influence on the subjective world, if it is only one decision away, the more influence the subjective world wins into the objective world and forms completely new facts. A real scientist is not only the one who continuously builds up constructs, but is ready, if these do not lead to an immediate successful result, to destroy them completely and to freely start completely anew.

I founded my company out of the motivation to help people to fundamentally expand their subjective perception, that they learn, that they learn even faster when they discover their own mind, their consciousness, get in touch with it, which is responsible for it as an instance to freely change their own logic, their own subjective perception, to be flexible in it, to adapt it, to increase their mindfulness, to recognize and playfully change the interface between their own perception and its effect on the outside as a benefit. My company shows each person that by means of enlightenment psychology they can influence a large part of the reality they feel exposed to, in their and collective favor, and that this concrete possibility has unsurpassable value in the competitive spectrum of theories and concepts of other consulting models. A client learns to be independent from the opinions and subjective limits of the majority, to create their own concepts as well as methods and to participate in the competition without feeling the pressure of the competition, because they already embody the DNA of success themselves.


For me and my company, integrity, authenticity, responsibility and mutual enriching (Appreciation/Honor) are the highest basic priorities. These four values, are far from larger principles that contain within them a wide range of other values that I myself stand for and live out every day as my essence as a role model.


It is important to my company to stick to its own word, to trust in its own reliability. From the smallest pragmatic decisions, to punctuality, to the inner self-image, from promises, in other words agreements, reliability to setting continuity in well-being, in nutrition or in one's own attitude towards life. From this arises confidence in one's own competence, as well as on the part of the customer. The company knows how to stand up for itself. Customers no longer learn to cheat on their own agreements, which are obligatory, to justify themselves, they do not argue, they do not hypocrite and they understand that a certain uncompromisingness, incorruptibility, as well as a distance from corruption helps them to be true to themselves, to make an effort to have a stable, deep relationship with themselves and with others. There is far more to this than many people realize.


The importance of being open and honest should always be emphasized. In a natural way, it makes people feel connected to each other, understand each other's views, empathize with each other's difficulties, creates a wonderful team. The client feels that no one is trying to force or impose anything on him, the client feels safe and taken care of. An uninhibited space of free development and cheerfulness is created. A transparency arises as if by itself, invites unconditional care, one feels equality and the appreciation of individuality and thus of his/her counterpart. The being begins to radiate innocence, availability and an inner contentment. Authenticity is the principle of making the customer a friend, opening the doors to the hearts of our fellow human beings.


Many people have certainly heard of this phrase: with more power, follows more responsibility. The same is true when this sentence is turned around. It is important to my company that everyone involved learns that we consciously take on more responsibility, from dealing with other people, dealing with our own emotional life, dealing with our resources, finances, decisions, our point of view, for every aspect in which we intend that more life is involved. Responsibility does not mean taking on more burdens, but recognizing them as a power that not only allows us to grow as leaders in our own lives, so that we understand how to simplify our lives, but also to live out leadership qualities when it comes to serving as an inspiration and orientation for others. Every additional responsibility means more room for maneuver, more possibilities in which we can consciously decide and create something out of it. Everyone involved becomes more aware that responsibility in this sense is a principle that gives us more freedom to continue to adapt our lives in such a way that we can find more agreements with each other and extremely sovereign and cohesive teams are formed as a result, since we basically do not assign blame to anyone, but try to recognize to what extent we ourselves are co-responsible. After a longer reflection on responsibility, everyone will gain the experience that in reality we are responsible for far more things that seem to happen to us in everyday life than we were previously aware of. Thus we raise the consciousness to refer only to the causes of the things, but to act from it solution-oriented to the well-being of all.

My company does not see the customer as money, but as a living resource who can express criticism to further develop my contribution, who not only values me in a financial way through their sympathy, but can also recommend my contribution, get involved and be involved in my expansion, allow me to deepen my experience and expertise in dealing with other people. The horizon in view of the customer should always be expanded, because this leads me to further contacts and doors of opportunity, as well as resource-rich places and other causal chains that I could not accomplish alone. The more one enriches, the more one has been directly enriched oneself. The more one collectively contributes something positive, the greater the value of my own existence, the more fulfillment I experience, the faster my confidence grows in the face of challenges. Every client should be seen and valued as an enrichment, because from this sincere attitude far more can arise than just some money flowing in through a consulting session. Whoever lives by this principle thereby opens paths into the infinity of the promise of happiness, awakens his own spontaneous intelligence and creativity.


I was born and raised in Usingen germany 1993, July 30th from a muslim family. Since my childhood I was never able to relate with the culture I was born in and had left my family for 7 years, never looked back to move on with my spiritual calling. I went through this process most of the time all alone by myself and have done the best of my ability to follow the footsteps of the supreme spiritual being. I was now living for more than 7 years in a buddhist-monastery (seminar & health-center) and had plenty of time, to workout my destiny and prepare everything needed to be done to stand where I am standing today, without having had to be involved too much with the societal matrix. I spent a lot of time studying that matrix from outside of a bubble and figure out how to relate with that world, to find the proper framework to realize what that supreme spiritual being has given me.

Due to a course of seven years of staying in a seminar & health center, I have the privilege of meeting and being in continuous exchange with numerous, incoming guests, helpers and volunteers on a daily basis. To date, I have counseled hundreds of people through this platform for a godly wage, thereby consciously refining my counseling skills as an experimental area and perfecting the confidence to approach and speak directly to groups of people, practically developing my awareness of authority. Various forms of interpersonal criticism have helped me over the years to reflect on my own approaches to relating to the world and to revise my performance. In the course of this, I have continuously rehearsed making videos about the content to be consulted, observing and reflecting on my own external effectiveness. My core skill is mental reflectiveness.

I am used to organize with full dedication, to get an overview, to assign purposefully larger contexts, to observe, to internalize, to keep order and cleanliness, to create information maps, which are one of my greatest strengths. This is a prerequisite in the systematic evaluation of the cognitive imprints, respectively the always repeating conclusions of people, to document them and to recognize an all-encompassing correlate, from which I have developed universally applicable definitions, which summarize all cognitive obstacles of people and are reduced into only a few definitions, whereby a completely more collective, universally effective, new perspective is created, thus an absolutely new factual situation is recognizable and self-efficacy is significantly increased. My tested definitions take a strong and beneficial influence on other people. Furthermore, will persistence, resilience, sovereignty, integrity, authenticity, charisma, eloquence, selflessness & generosity, creativity as well as aesthetics and honor are also among my strengths.

Through regular contact with many people, I now recognize at the deepest level all the causes of their behavior through pure observation, which is heard by an outsider as a kind of inexplicable mystic clairvoyance, it is merely my deeply penetrating understanding.

For many years I have been practicing centering my mind myself, practicing yoga and meditative contemplation, as well as various other practices I learned in India from the Shaivite monks, mainly from my guru, from nutrition, detoxification of the body, breathing techniques & many more. During the intensive training under the supervision of my Guru, I was trained according to their initiation to become a 'Jnana Acharya', the term translated from ancient Indian Sanskrit as "teacher of enlightenment knowledge". Most of the methods I have been taught that others might use are only recommended insofar as a client meets certain requirements to receive them from me. These I usually identify in direct conversation with the prospective client and are reserved for advanced spiritual practitioners. Due to a multitude of transcendental events in my own mind, which occurred sporadically in my life, in other words persistent flashes or experiences that today are interpreted as mystical and also take place now, so I continued with this study of these experiences from time immemorial, until the time of getting to know the Shaivite monks and their culture, which became the decisive factor, the incomparable turning point in my development journey, from which I now mainly refer to them as source knowledge, specialized and gave this a new name. The Enlightenment Psychology.

My experiences, which in later times have formed the foundation stone for my consultations and the will to independence, stem from my passion for lengthy, independent documentation and research of an almost extinct Hindu, enlightened culture of Shaivite monks and their subjective approach to the concept of 'superdeterminism' (translated accordingly as superiority of spirit) (originally from the Sanskrit term शिवोऽहम् śivo'ham).

My basic skills in this subject are based on 15 years of research. In 2018, I traveled to India and continued my documentations among the locals and ascetics, lived among them wherein I soon became a disciple of an enlightened master named Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (293th Supreme Pontiff of Madhurai Adheenam, the oldest, Hindu monastic complex in India).


I witnessed various, numerous supernatural phenomena, which emanated from this master and monks, brought to my attention. He instructed me in an extremely strict, disciplinary and physical as well as mental training, wherein, due to their traditions, I received the blessing of passing on their fascinating existence and mental strength as a cultural heritage of subjective value, which could only take place within the walls and approval of the ascetics and the master, due to my disciplehood. Enriching the enlightened civilization and my gurus mission was always being encouraged. The condition was to preserve the authenticity of these teachings and always refer to the real origin, to always maintain the survival of its culture and defend it from the criminally negligent people who want to abuse its legitimacy.


My guru is controversial on the part of anti-social adversaries by defamatory accusations, however, regarding each accusation this situation was refuted legally as far as possible. There are also no cases registered with Interpol. For more information on the persecution, assassinations and targeted defamation by anti-Hindus, see:


My Guru works towards becoming a member of the United Nations and establishing a real state, his own currency and banking, his own island, university, ashrams worldwide, is revered by all over the world and is respected as an incarnation of the Divine consciousness. From Him, I have been given His inner authority through the disciplehood itself, initiated about His thousands of years old tradition to live His mission and seeing my person as a medium to make this knowledge more understandable for every kind of people.
For more information on my master and his diplomatic relationship, see:

More information about my master as an authority:

More information about my master via YouTube (over 337k followers):

My clients do not receive such training as I went through, however, they gain the participation in my experience of all cognitive processes. I received under ritual procedures and processes an initiation, according to their tradition, the status of being authorized to make known their views, from which my offers have arisen today. I have been trained as a so called Jnana Acharya in the headquarters of the Nithyananda Ashram. My experiences are based on intellectual property, which have their originator, a certificate remains therefore and offers however a very good basis, in order to act in the field of activity as advisors for enlightenment psychology. My activity is distinguished in my internet performances from medical, psychological or other fields which have been examined by the state from their approaches by a declaration.